Protecting Your Rights Premier Attorneys in Bradenton

Property owners in Bradenton are responsible for the safety of their guests. To fulfill this responsibility, property owners must maintain safe conditions on their properties and warn guests of potential hazards. If a property owner doesn’t uphold this responsibility, they can be held liable if a guest suffers an injury on their property. If you’ve been injured on a public or private property, the Bradenton premises liability lawyers at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett are here to help. Let us aggressively fight to ensure you are fully compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. To schedule your free consultation, call our law office at 941-289-0504 today.

Attorneys at Carlson Meissner Law Firm on Personal Injury

Attorney Jennifer A. Burns

What Are Common Hazards Found On Properties in Bradenton?

Every property could have hidden hazards that put guests at risk. Premises liability claims often arise after injuries caused by these common hazards:

  • Slippery floors
  • Uneven stairs
  • Torn carpeting
  • Defective handrail
  • Fires
  • Aggressive animals
  • Potholes/cracks in the sidewalk
  • Toxic substances
  • Falling debris

If you encounter a hazard on public or private property, you could suffer serious injuries with long-term consequences. Fortunately, you may have the right to recover compensation for your injuries under the premises liability laws in Bradenton.

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When Is A Property Owner Liable For Your Injuries?

A property owner is not necessarily held liable for every injury that occurs on their property. Property owners are only liable if:

  • They created the hazardous condition, or
  • They knew about the hazardous condition, or
  • They should have known about the hazardous condition because a reasonable property owner would have known about it, and
  • They did not take action to fix the hazard or warn guests of its danger.

Furthermore, property owners are typically not held liable for injuries sustained by trespassers. If you were on the property illegally, this could affect your right to compensation. Our premises liability attorneys in Bradenton can help determine if you have a case.

People walking in a building with big windows

Can You Recover Compensation In A Premises Liability Case If You Were Partly At Fault?

Florida is a pure comparative negligence state. This means that you can still recover compensation for your injuries even if you were partly to blame for them. For example, say you were injured in a slip and fall accident caused by a spill in a grocery store. The court may find that you were 10% to blame for the accident because you were not paying attention and could have avoided the obvious hazard.

The court may also find the property owner was 90% responsible since they failed to clean up the spill or warn their guests of the hazard. If you were initially entitled to $100,000 for your injuries, the court will reduce your compensation by 10% to account for the role you played in the accident. Therefore, you would only receive $90,000 instead of $100,000.

What Should You Do After An Accident On A Public or Private Property in Bradenton?

It’s in your best interest to seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident on public or private property. This is true even if it doesn’t seem as if you are seriously injured. Remember, symptoms of some injuries may not appear for hours or even days, so you should get checked out anyway. After seeking medical attention, contact our personal injury attorneys at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett.

We will immediately launch an investigation into the accident so we can collect crucial pieces of evidence before they go missing or are destroyed. Our team will interview witnesses, obtain surveillance footage, review photos from the scene of the accident, and analyze accident reports to gather the evidence we need to establish the property owner’s liability.

Then, we will begin aggressively negotiating with the property owner and their insurance company. We understand that you will need as much compensation as possible to cover your losses and expenses, which is why we will not settle for less than what you deserve. We’ve already recovered over $115 million in compensation for our clients. Now, let us fight for you.

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Schedule A No-Cost Consultation With Our Premises Liability Law Firm in Bradenton

Winning compensation in a premises liability case is not easy, which is why you need to turn to our skilled premises liability lawyers in Bradenton for help. Our dedicated team of personal injury attorneys has over 125 years of combined legal experience, so we know how to win the most complex premises liability cases. With our help, you can secure the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free consultation regarding your case, call 941-289-0504 or fill out the form on this website.

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